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You Can Grow With No

For most of us, saying yes feels good. We typically equate it to more of something. Yes, to a prospect means more business. Yes, to a customer obtains more loyalty. Yes, to an employee equals happier, which means more production. Even saying yes to your child puts their excitement on display for you, likely that smile that always melts you. These are not bad things, of course. But are they always the right things? Coming from the corporate world, we would routinely add projects without properly vetting the potential burden on those summoned to the project. That’s where the expression, “I have too much on my plate” comes from, a symptom of a company responding with yes as a reflex instead of a thought-out decision.

For some of us, saying no causes anxiousness. Are we turning down business we may need? Are we too risk-averse? Will our competition take this and win? All valid questions, but not enough to reactively say yes to everything. If we say yes too many times, we could be putting undue pressure on our capacity, which may include our time or financial resources. Our customers are expecting us to deliver on our promises. Are we creating too much risk in delivering on them if we always choose yes? I was told years ago that “inconsistent excellence is worse than no excellence at all” and it sticks with me to this day. Offering a sub-standard service is more detrimental to your brand and your growth than not offering it all. If you can’t give it what’s required for excellence, then don’t invest. Stay true by putting emphasis on what you do best and, therefore, how you serve your customers best. In our businesses, if you feel stretched or overwhelmed and aren’t not delivering on expectations, the reason may be that you’re not exercising “no” often enough. Satisfied customers buy again and, better yet, tell others about your value. When done properly, you can grow with no.


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