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The P3 Consulting Group

Our Vision
That every business has access to the resources needed to unlock its potential.

Mission Statement
Connecting businesses to an alternative means to access executive-level capabilities without the need to hire the executives themselves.
Our Team

Our Members

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Pineapple Consulting firm helps your small business become more data-driven. They are expert analysts that build custom dashboards for your and your client’s companies so you can see an entire business’s performance at a glance. From the automated analytical and data tools we provide, you can save time updating data, get deeper insights into your company, and build a data-driven strategy.


Brandon Avina
Superior Data Solutions | Phone: 704.253.4416

Brandon entered the IT field in 1998 and is now the managing partner of Superior Data Solutions. Superior Data Solutions is a complete IT solution. We provide managed services, compliance, and training to ensure an end-to-end IT solution designed for business productivity and success. Our approach is to solve the root of the issue and normalize your IT environment.


Brian Johnson
Main and Johnson | Phone: 419.509.2978

Main & Johnson is a Business Consulting Firm focused on Mid-sized Corporate Strategy and Executive Coaching. Bringing more than 20 years of Fortune 500 strategy development, leadership development, and coaching, Main & Johnson leverages proven corporate excellence with your business’s needs. 

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Scott Hensley
IPIVX Growth Solutions | Phone: 704.713.4946

Scott is the President of IPIVX Growth Solutions. His background includes over 20 years of successful sales and Executive leadership experience spanning multiple industries. Scott develops and implements customized growth strategies that focus heavily on leveraging synergistic channel partnerships. Scaling can be accomplished in more ways than one, but establishing the right strategic channel partnerships has been proven to generate exponential growth, validate your brand and lend credibility to your solution.

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Chuck Cooper
White Water Consulting | Phone: 704.236.3131

Chuck is the President of Whitewater Consulting, an HR Consulting practice, where the mission is to provide clarity and peace of mind to small and mid-size clients through HR solutions. WhiteWater Consulting is a full-service HR Consulting practice that specializes in the areas of HR Compliance, HR Outsourcing, Talent Acquisition & Retention strategies, and comprehensive Employee Benefit programs. Chuck’s passion includes working with leaders to define their company culture and helping them take care of their greatest asset: their people. This passion led to him authoring and publishing the recently released book, Unprecedented: Building A Multi-Generational Business on Trust, Respect, and the Valuing of People.

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Lyall Newby
Schooly Mitchell

Phone: 704.412.3708 Ext 101

We are expense reduction experts working with companies to reduce the cost of their essential services in communications, small package shipping, payment processing, waste, eSignature, and utilities. Their services center on providing independent and objective advice that involves no upfront expense and typically produces 28-32% savings. We become a resource for managing these services and continuously delivering savings. We Increase your Profits, and we are Your Vendor Watchdog.

Need more details? Contact us

We are here to assist. Contact us by phone, email or via our social media channels.

© 2023 by The P3 Consulting Group

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